The Ragamuffin is a particularly soft, calm and sociable large cat. He has a thick and silky coat that gives him the look of a small ball of hair. It is an affectionate cat that needs to be taken care of.
Size: 22 cm to 25 cm
Weight: 6 kg to 9 kg
Hair : medium to long
Color : all
Life expectancy: 15 years
Gestation period: 63 to 68 days
Description and characteristics of Ragamuffin
The Ragamuffin is a large cat recognizable in particular by its thick mid to long coat that is often compared to that of the rabbit. Its coat is of a very particular softness and its tail is also covered with this hair very pleasant to the touch. His hair is longer around his head, neck and under his belly. The Ragamuffin can be of all colors and its fur can also be patterned.
The Ragamuffin is of the "median" type, that is to say that it has a muscular rectangular body, a solid skeleton, a tail of medium length and oval feet in particular. It also has very large and beautiful expressive almond-shaped eyes. Its nose resembles that of its cousin, the Ragdoll, but shorter and more hollowed out.
Origin of the Ragamuffin
Ragamuffin is native to the United States, and more precisely to California, where it appeared in the early 1960s. This breed is derived from the Ragdoll which was crossed with the Turkish Angora, Persian, Himalayan and domestic cats with long hair, to arrive at the Ragamuffin, this cat with thick fur, which still looks a lot like its cousin the Ragdoll.
It is a rare cat in Europe, which was recognized in 2009 by the World Cat Federation (WFC). The Ragamuffin is not one of the breeds listed by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF).
Character and behavior of the Ragamuffin - Who is it for?
The Ragamuffin is appreciated for its affectionate and very sociable side. He follows his master everywhere. It is a cat that loves to be cuddled and to be in the arms of its masters. He also has a good character and gets along well with children.
It is an indoor cat that does not need a lot of physical exercise and particularly appreciates calm. He is not shy and always tends to trust. The Ragamuffin must therefore be well watched if he leaves his house, his safety depends on it because he does not know how to defend himself against possible aggressions.
How to take care of your Ragamuffin: his needs
The Ragamuffin does not require any particular care to maintain the beauty of its dress. It is enough just to brush it regularly to eliminate its dead hairs.
Ragamuffin's diet
The Ragamuffin does not need a specific diet. As for all cats, it must be of good quality, adapted to its age and its state of health in particular. However, it tends to be greedy. It is therefore necessary to watch its food quantities, especially since the Ragamuffin is not a cat that spends a lot of energy.
Ragamuffin's health
Ragamuffin does not have any particular health problems. No hereditary disease specific to its breed has been detected for the moment.
Price of a Ragamuffin kitten
The price of a Ragamuffin kitten will depend on the sex, the pedigree of the parents, the conformity to the breed standards, etc.
Price of a Ragamuffin male: $1,500 and $3,500
Price of a female Ragamuffin : $1,500 and $3,500