أخبار ساخنة

The Lykoi, the cat that looks like a werewolf



The Lykoi is a medium sized cat resulting from a natural mutation, recently appeared, with a surprising appearance. It takes its name from the ancient Greek which means "wolf". Indeed, this cat looks like a small werewolf. It looks just like one because the Lykoi is a wonderful pet, endearing, affectionate and intelligent.

 - Size: medium

- Weight: 2 kg to 4.5 kg

- Coat : short

- Color: black, blue, red, cream or roan (pepper and salt)

- Life expectancy: 18 to 20 years

- Gestation period: 63 to 68 days

Description and characteristics of the Lykoi

The appearance of the Lykoi is similar at first glance to that of a werewolf. It has the particularity of having a short, rough-looking, but in fact very silky hair, without undercoat, which gives the impression that it is practically naked. Its hair can be black, blue, red, cream, or salt and pepper (the so-called "roan" appearance). This appearance of nudity is particularly noticeable around his eyes, nose, mouth and chin, making him comparable to a small werewolf.

The Lykoi is a foreign type cat, that is to say with a rectangular body, a solid bone structure, elegant muscles, a medium sized tail and round or oval feet which have the particularity of being webbed in this cat. His head is triangular in shape with rounded contours. It has large walnut-shaped eyes, of gold, green or orange color.

The Lykoi ears are large, pointed, with very little hair, and well erect on his head.

Origin of Lykoi

The Lykoi appeared very recently, resulting from a natural mutation of a short-haired alley cat. It was first bred in the United States, more precisely in Tennessee, in the years 2010, then it arrived in France from 2016. The official recognition of the breed at the international level is currently in progress.

Character and behavior of the Lykoi - Who is it for?

Contrary to what its resemblance to the werewolf might suggest, the Lykoi is an affectionate and charming cat who appreciates being cared for. It requires a lot of attention. He is very close to his family and his master against whom he loves to snuggle. It is a cat with a very endearing personality. Intelligent, curious and lively, the Lykoi loves to play and is very agile. In addition, he meows very rarely.

How to take care of your Lykoi: its needs

The skin and hair of the Lykoi do not require any special care. Two brushes per week are sufficient. On the other hand, its ears and eyes must be cleaned regularly. It is also essential to cut the claws regularly because they grow very quickly.

The Lykoi's diet

The Lykoi does not require any special diet. It can be "home" or industrial but above all of good quality, balanced and adapted to its age and state of health.

The health of the Lykoi

No major health problems have been identified in Lykoi to date. It is true that it is a very recent breed.

Price of a Lykoi kitten

The price of a Lykoi kitten will depend on the sex, the pedigree of the parents, the conformity to the breed standards, etc.



